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Unity Commands Blessing

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 24 July 2017 | Reading taken from John 17:21

For centuries, the church has attempted to stand united. Even in times of a common goal, like a call to national prayer, there will be those who find fault, or for some reason refuse to stand in agreement. But true, godly unity comes when each individual chooses to surrender their all and open their hearts to God's love. Only when we completely yield to the Lord, and embrace His presence, is His love made perfect in us. You see, it's God's love in us that motivates us to walk in love with others. His love overpowers all fear of rejection and need for self preservation, and enables us to see past each other's faults or short comings. This is when we can truly be in unity with each other and enjoy His blessing together. So surrender to His love today and enjoy the unity His Spirit within us brings.