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A Bubbling Brook of Wisdom

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 16 January 2021 | Reading taken from Proverbs 18:4 (NLT)

Proverbs 18:4 (NLT):"Wise words are like deep waters, Wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook."

The Samaritan woman who met Jesus at Jacob's well started conversing with Him, without even realizing who He was. Then, Jesus told her He could give her living water, which at first puzzled her since she was thinking about the natural water from the well they were standing next to. It wasn't just His strange words, but the undeniable wisdom and insight He was offering over the subject they were discussing, that triggered a spark in her soul and awakened destiny in her. When we embrace the truth of God's Word each day, we encounter the Person of Jesus - Who is the Word made flesh. The Holy Spirit causes its ageless wisdom to wash over our minds, cleanse us from wrong mindsets and awaken an unquenchable thirst for more of the Lord. See spending time in God's word as drinking from the well of living water that purifies and satisfies your soul - to the point where its wisdom bubbles up and flows effortlessly and with great conviction in every conversation you speak.